Children & Youth
Your child’s spiritual development is supported through our Sunday school, nursery care and youth ministries.

Nursery: Infants and toddlers
We look forward to being part of your and your child’s journey. Our staff of trained childcare workers love getting to know the children and their families as they grow. The nursery is located on the third floor of Neighborhood House and is open from 8:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., extending later for special programs such as the Bridge meetings and Journeys classes. Please fill out an information sheet when you drop off your child for the first time – this ensures that we have important details about your child on file, including allergies and any medical issues. Additionally, we ask that you please bring a supply of your diapers and formula. Children are warmly welcomed into “big church” any time.

Godly Play (Sunday School): Children 4 to 10 years old
The classroom is located on the third floor of Neighborhood House and runs from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Robin Parke, Minister for Children’s Formation, leads the program with other trained assistants – including those who specialize in learning differences. They’re eager to support your child and household in wondering about and appreciating God’s work in the world and in their lives.
Our Sunday School program uses the Godly Play curriculum. Each session includes an opening circle time in which children listen and respond to a story from the Bible. Children are then free to do their own “work” in response to the story. They may create an art response, retell the story they just heard, or spend time in independent play.
Godly Play recognizes that every child has an experience of the divine, and seeks to help all children access and express this experience. Our classroom is staffed by trained volunteers who tell stories and invite children to participate.
We design Godly Play 1 for children aged 4 years through 2nd grade, and Godly Play 2 for 3rd through 5th graders. However, our age ranges are suggestions, not rules! Children, especially those who are more comfortable attending with a sibling or friend, may attend either session. Children and youth of any age are also welcome in services. If you like, please see an usher for a “worship box” packed with coloring supplies and activities.
We welcome children with all abilities and differences, as well as families of mixed-faith backgrounds. So please, let us know what we can do to make the Sunday School or Youth Group work for your child. Contact Robin Parke for more information.
Children’s service opportunities
Youth Choir
Parker Kitterman leads the Children’s Choir for ages 7 and up. Find more about our music opportunities as well.
Kids ages 8 to 17 assist the clergy in leading the Christ Church congregation in worship.